Get almost any type of lock installed by Boynton Beach Locksmith
We have 2 lockshops in Boynton & Delray Beach, 7 mobile locksmiths, and served since 1960. We are an essential Palm Beach County business. Call for standard same-day service at 561-513-4822 (or to get a quote).
We have standard, smart locks, and bump proof high security locks.
Do you want electronic or smart locks?
These types of locks can be controlled by your smartphone. Watch how this popular version works:
Do you want bump proof high security locks?
All locks are not created equal. CK's recommends Medeco High Security Locks for these reasons:
If there are multiple copies of your home or business keys out there, or if copies have been made without your knowledge, Medeco prevents it.
Here's how it works: Most standard keys can be copied at locksmith & hardware stores or automated kiosks. You can't do that with Medeco locks.
Medeco High Security Keys can only be copied at our stores and only by those on the authorized signature forms that we keep on file.
Unauthorized copied keys put the security of your business or home at risk. Medeco Protected keys are patented, preventing aftermarket blanks from being produced or duplicated. These protected locks also offer ultimate pick & bump resistance. ONLY authorized persons can have copies made.
Call us at 561-513-4822 to get a quote. We have been in Palm Beach County since 1960 and have two stores located in Boynton Beach and Delray Beach.
To be considered truly high security, Medeco cylinders and locks are tested by independent testing laboratories. Medeco cylinders meet or exceed Underwriters Laboratory UL437 criteria, most common or standard cylinders available today do not meet these minimum guidelines.
Tests performed on Medeco high security locks:
- 10,000 cycle endurance test
- Resistance to picking or key fitting tests
- Attack resistance tests: Forcing, drilling, sawing, prying, pulling, and plug driving, and corrosion resistance in a salt fog chamber.
Medeco's new key gives an extra layer of security to prevent copying
View Medeco's Advanced Lock Technology
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